Dr. Dhanyalekshmi Pillai

Greenhouse Gas Modeling

dhanya@iiserb.ac.in    +91 755 269 1379

The group works on utilizing atmospheric greenhouse gas observations in the inverse modelling framework in order to better understand the sources and sinks of those trace gases. This involves implementation of modelling tools at high resolution, with an emphasis on minimizing the model uncertainties. Research focus is on the Indian subcontinent, a critically important but under-sampled region.


Dr. Pankaj Kumar

Monsoon Dynamics, Climate and Glacier Modeling

kumarp@iiserb.ac.in    +91 755 269 1385

The group is involved in improving the understanding of climate variability and change using a regional earth-system model. Presently working on monsoon dynamics, air-sea interactions, glacier mass-balance studies, tropical cyclones using 40-var data assimilation technique, drought dynamics, observation and model uncertainties. Also actively involved in capacity development and providing adaptation strategies to different stakeholders for global and regional change


Prof. Ramya Sunder Raman

Aerosol Physics and Chemistry, Receptor Models

ramyaasr@iiserb.ac.in    +91 755 269 1371

The group works on air quality management and assessment of aerosol induced climate effects, in order to provide scientific inputs for policy making. Receptor modelling in conjunction with air-parcel trajectory ensembles is used to identify source-receptor relationships and source locations of airborne pollutants. The group also works on understanding atmospheric physico-chemical transformations of aerosols and their relationships with gaseous co-pollutants.


Dr. Shubhi Agrawal

Monsoon and Climate Variability Research Group

sagrawal@iiserb.ac.in    +91 755 269 1475

Our group’s key research areas include Indian summer monsoon variability and modeling, climate variability, and land-atmosphere coupling processes. We will employ data and modeling tools to solve monsoon, climate variability and change related research problems, with a focus on regional implications for India. Interested students will also have an opportunity to research other monsoonal regions and precipitation producing systems .