Environmental Geochemistry
ashis@iiserb.ac.in +91 755 269 1389Research in our group combines field and laboratory investigations to computer simulation (geochemical, litho-stratigraphic, and statistical modellings) to develop the mechanistic geochemical understanding of the contaminant mobilization and transport in soil and aquatic environments. Aqueous and solid phase speciation (redox and molecular) of trace elements by ion chromatography (IC) hyphenated with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) and synchrotron based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS: XANES & EXAFS), respectively, are key components in our research programme.
Fluvial Geomorphology, Remote sensing & GIS with River Science, Earth Surface Processes, and Geoinformatics
kgaurav@iiserb.ac.in +91 755 269 1383The group works on understanding the fluvial processes and the dynamics of sediment transport in alluvial rivers. At present the group is investigating the hydraulic geometry relationship between multiple and single thread channels. Our group is also actively involved in developing the methodology to estimate discharge in rivers using remote sensing images.
Sediment transport, Geostatistics, Hydrology
sanjeev@iiserb.ac.in +91 755 269 1391The research group works on various aspects of water resources: e.g. developing models for sediment transport in rivers; resolving spatio-temporal scales issues in hydroclimatic data using Multiple-point geostatistics for pre-processing input data and estimating sources of uncertainty in surface water and groundwater models.
Modern and Paleo-oceanography
satinder@iiserb.ac.in +91 755 269 1377The research group is actively engaged in geochemical and isotope measurements in geological and environmental samples (terrestrial and marine waters/sediments, and atmospheric dust), and use these data as proxies of various earth surface processes such as natural biogeochemical cycles and human perturbations, atmospheric and oceanic circulation, modern and past continent-climate-ocean interactions.
Tectonic Geomorphology and Landscape evolution in Fold and Thrust belt settings
vinee@iiserb.ac.in +91 755 269 1471Our group studies landscape evolution due to neotectonics in the frontal Himalayan fold-andthrust belt and the Kutch basin. We run Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK-GNSS) based surveys to quantify topography. The data are used to compute appropriate geomorphic indices to assess neotectonic activity in appropriate settings. We also use the Boundary Element Method (BEM) to model neotectonically generated topography in compressive settings.
Statistical Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology
somilswarnkar@iiserb.ac.in +91 755 269 1473Our group primarily focuses on extreme hydrological events and their relationship with the climate and the earth surface processes. We currently use stochastic hydrological tools to understand the modified hydrological and geomorphological regimes under warming climates and anthropogenic disturbances. Further, we actively work on basin-scale sediment yield quantifications and their relationship with the earth surface dynamics.
Sedimentary processes and sediment provenance analysis. Basin evolution and classification. Palaeogeography and palaeoenvironment.
angana@iiserb.ac.in +91 755 269 1479Our group specialises in sedimentary basin evolution and unravelling past landforms based on sediment provenance analysis. The research involves petrography, whole-rock geochemistry, heavy mineral analysis, mineral chemistry and detrital geochronology as tools for provenance analysis apart from field correlations and paleo- drainage analysis.